We collaborate with an elected Scientific Committee with experience in the diagnosis and treatment of various clinical aspects related to the Nexmif mutation, from the genetic to the neurological area. We are committed to doing everything in our power, so that scientific research can find a cure for our children, as soon as possible.
Our common goal is to promote:

  • Genetic testing in children and adults, with a history of intellectual disability, epileptic encephalopathy, and / or autism
  • Scientific research and clinical studies through fund-raising operations
  • Contacts and meetings between families and specialists to enrich the available knowledge and provide appropriate assistance to the families themselves
The Scientific Committee is a consultative and support body to the Board of Directors and represents the Association’s interface towards the scientific and academic world. It is made up of the following members, chosen from among the major experts of reference, who have distinguished themselves for their professional skills and human qualities in the field of child neuropsychiatry and epileptic encephalopathies in particular:
  • Prof. Simona Balestrini – University of Florence
  • Prof. Gaetano Cantalupo – University of Verona
  • Prof. Gaetano Terrone – University of Naples “Federico II”
  • Dr. Alessandra Riva – University of Genoa

For information purposes, the key structures in Italy are: